50% Off at Champion Karate West - Provo

Champion Karate West


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The Fine Print

May buy any quantity. May redeem any quantity per visit. Must use entire voucher in 1 visit. Not valid for tips or cash back. Not redeemable for cash or cash back. Some restrictions apply, contact business for details. Not valid with any other sale or offer. Vouchers ship for free.See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • $10 for Two Vouchers, Each Worth $10 at Champion Karate West ($20 Total Value)

Champion Karate West teaches a wide variety of martial arts including: American Taekwondo, Hapkido (Korean Self Defense), and personal defense classes for children, teens, women, men, and seniors.

How to Redeem

    1. We’ll ship your order – watch for it in the mail
    2. Present voucher at Champion Karate West
Champion Karate West is a full Martial Art School that provides families with a way to learn self defense. They teach and develop black belts no matter what the age of the student.


Business Hours

Classes are held Monday - Saturday.
Call Champion Karate West for times and information.